March 3, 2021 |

What do you have to address in an Illinois parenting plan?

Written By: Reich, Jumbeck, Stole & Reeb

When you and your child’s other parent split, but you both plan to share custody over your son or daughter, the state of Illinois requires that you submit something called a parenting plan or Joint Parenting Agreement. The parenting plan outlines each parent’s rights and obligations when it comes to the child. It also sets guidelines with regard to parenting time and visitation.

Per the Illinois General Assembly, there are certain elements every Illinois parenting plan must include in addition to those mentioned above. What other areas do you need to address in your parenting plan?

Decision-making responsibilities

You may decide that the parent caring for the child at the time has the right to make decisions on the child’s behalf. Conversely, you may decide that both parents must confer when it comes to decisions about health care, education or what have you.

Provisions for resolving conflicts

An Illinois parenting plan also has to include provisions about how you plan to handle disputes that arise between you and your child’s other parent. You may want to address, for example, how you plan to handle things if one parent wants to relocate, among other areas.

Stipulations about access to medical and other records

Your parenting plan also has to outline whether each parent has access to medical, dental and other records. It should also address whether each parent retains access to records and reports about school and extracurricular activities.

While these are some of the things Illinois requires you to address in your Joint Parenting Agreement, this is not a comprehensive list of all necessary inclusions.

Written By: Reich, Jumbeck, Stole & Reeb